Our balanced, creative and disciplined approach focuses on shaping each dance student into a healthy, technically accomplished, well-rounded dancer, regardless of his or her skill level. We want your child to learn and also have fun through our unique program.




Jazz is an upbeat, stylish and versatile dance form. Our classes includes a warm up, across the floor movements, leaps and turns.

Hip Hop
Techniques including popping, locking and house elements are taught and dancers work on their own freestyle abilities.

The classical ballet technique that concerns pointe work (dancing on the tips of the toes).

Students focus on basic gymnastic movements and flexibility, working on floor mats and the mini-trampoline.

Dancers will use their tap shoes to create rhythmic patterns, timely beats, and dance.

Dancers will learn proper dance technique so they can perform their dances with correct form, function and safety.
Classes – Fall 2024
September 2024 through June 2025

Susans School of dance